Thursday, September 23, 2010

Girls Life - Sweet Sixteen Gift Ideas for Girls

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Sweet Sixteen Gift Ideas for Girls

  1. Sweet sixteen is an important birthday in a girl's life.
    birthday image by Photoeyes from 
    Sweet sixteen is an important birthday in a girl's life.
    While every birthday is one to celebrate in a child's life, some years have even more significance. The first birthday is for the parents, family and friends as much as for the toddler. The fifth and sixth birthdays mean the child is ready to start school. The 13th birthday is the beginning of the tumultuous teens and the 16th birthday is a coming of age for girls.
  2. Car

  3. The ultimate sweet sixteen gift is most likely a car. In many states, a teen has to be 16 years old to get a drivers license. While your girl may want a cute little sports car, a thrifty economy model is better in several ways. The insurance should be lower since the car is worth less, and sports cars have a higher accident rate than economy cars.
  4. Day of Beauty

  5. Give the birthday girl and a few of her closest friends a day of beauty at a spa. Choose a spa that offers a light lunch or bring a packed lunch from a gourmet store. The girls will spend the day getting facials, body treatments, pedicures and manicures. If that's out of your budget, consider a slumber party and acquire all the products needed for the facials and treatments. You might consider body scrubs, lotions, peel-off mask and facial sauna. As a party favor, give each guest her own manicure set. Assemble different colors of nail polish and a French manicure set and your gift is complete.
  6. Diamond Earrings

  7. Diamonds are for grownups, so show your little girl she's become a woman with a pair of diamond earrings. While diamond earrings can be expensive if you pop for flawless one carat studs, choose earrings made up of smaller diamonds and the cost drops dramatically. A flawless diamond means there are no flaws visible under 10 times magnification. Choose diamonds where the flaws aren't visible to the human eye and you'll save more money. Colorless white diamonds are the most expensive; diamonds that have a very slight yellowish cast are often more affordable.
  8. Adventures

  9. Girls who love to be active and on the go will appreciate a birthday adventure, such as a hot-air balloon ride, river rafting, a train ride or sailing on a boat. Bungee jumping and sky diving are two more heart-stopping ideas. Add in a picnic lunch or breakfast at a restaurant.

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